You don’t have to have listed on Airbnb previously to offer to share your house, apartment or to make an entire apartment or house available. The same applies to HomeAway.

Airbnb allows you to offer your property for free. This is a temporary arrangement that runs from now through September 16th for your listing. It is available in Texas and Louisiana. HomeAway has stated that there is nothing in the software from stopping hosts from listing a property at ZERO.

Just go to Airbnb or HomeAway and quickly create a listing. The websites will walk you through the process and it is not necessary to include photos, although that would be helpful.

Make it clear that your offering is for victims of the hurricane and flooding only. You can satisfy yourself that you are dealing with a displaced person or family and, if you approve them for occupancy. The decision is up to you and to you alone.


1. You must follow the rules and established procedures of these websites. Enforcement of those established rules is entirely up to HomeAway and Airbnb.

2. You must offer your property or shared arrangement for at least one week, preferably 30 to 45 days.

3. If you charge the displaced anything at all, it cannot be more than $100. per week. $10.00 would be a more desirable charge level. You May Not increase the cost to the displaced while they are there, without notice or in less than 30 days.

4. If you offer the apartment or house to the displaced after 30 days, that is entirely up to you as the host and the person or persons occupying your property.

5. You may take down your online offering at any time as long as it is in accordance with the rules of Airbanb and HomeAway.

Airbnb has a query line on its home page when you go to a Texas or Louisiana location. click there to offer your property for free

HOMEAWAY has established a special link in reference to this emergency

To list your property through the faster, normal means, go to this link below:

The main site: