The video below was compiled by the NY Times showing how various news programs reacted to Trump’s Trump Tower news conference of Wenesday, August 15 (2017). During that news session he blamed “both sides” for the disruption and violence in Charlottesville in which one woman was killed and 19 injured when a car was driven into a crowd of counter protesters and, at a later time, video came to light that showed a white supremacist firing a gun at someone opposing their march.

Most of the people on Fox News fawn over Trump, doing everything but calling him “Dear Leader”, North Korea style. Are they “state media” in training?

By the way, is Sean Hannity getting obnoxious? It seems the idea of having “his” president in the White House has emboldened him to the point where he comes across on television like a bully. I could easily see him at big arenas shouting points at people till their ears hurt. When dreams come true...